About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dependent upon Incomprehensible Skittles

Welcome to the Walter Payton College Prep Blog!
I’ll be posting work created in the Poetry Out Loud Seminar.
Students in the class will decide if they wish their work to appear here.
In our most recent class, we looked at ‘This is Just to Say’ by W. C. Williams and ‘So Much Depends’ by Edward E. Wilson.
Students wrote in response to our conversation about the work and were encouraged to say what so much depends on, for them.

The Sky- Anna F.

So much depends on
looking up.

The narrator said
“it is incomprehensible and therefore meaningless.”
Swirling colors, egg shells,
jets, arms
absolute nothing.

But we can’t see it.
Little white dots blinking at us
from above.

Hope for company
An expanse of light and dark and color and nothing
weighing on us from above
as we look up.
Incomprehensible beauty created
we know not how (tiny strings?)
Perspective. Perspective.

Skittles- Britney F.

So much depends
on this .5 gram bag
of Skittles.

Metaphorically, these
this difference between everyone
and everything.

This green, purple, yellow, orange, and red.
This Black, Hispanic, Caucasian, and Asian.
This grape, strawberry, lemon, and lime.
This short, tall, funny, and serious.

Without this red bag
there is gray
only similarities
Just one…

Dependent Upon- Joshua W.

Without it, you are alone
without it, you are confused.
You feel as though you have no
purpose and you don’t know what to do

Can you fill in the black?
Do you have the answer to the question?
Does it cause your hope to rise?
Does it cause your ambition to lessen?

Truth is, there isn’t just one response.
Different people need different things.
There are those who depend on love and compassion.
There are those who depend on jewelry and diamond rings.

I am a person dependent upon a lot.
A person dependent upon the truth.
One dependent on love and happiness
both of which come from you.

You are my very foundation.
You are the gasoline added to my fire.
You are the epitome of my happiness
the object of my desire.

Without you there is no me.
Without you I feel incomplete.
It’s something I can’t help.
I see your face and my body becomes weak.

This is the true meaning of love.
We are two halves of the same heart.
You are where my love begins.
You are where my happiness starts.

If you were ever to go, to ever leave
I’d have no idea how to go on.
When I’m with you everything feels right
it can never be wrong.

I hope you fell the same way.
If not now, then maybe in time.
I am not dependent upon a lot
as long as you’re mine.

I would never hurt you.
Never wish to cause you tears.
I just feel you should know,
my life with out you is truly my greatest fear.

1 comment:

Brian said...

"Dependent Upon" by Joshua W. is a great poem. The rhythm gets a little choppy in a few spots minorly, but it's pretty good still. I can FEEL the emotion of the author. I really especially like the part about two halves of a heart. I like how it present the image of two pieces being put together like pieces of a puzzle to make an overall image (the 'picture' of love).